DIY Wall Units ?

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DIY Wall Units ?

Post by Jason_442 »

Hello, I've been searching and cannot seam to find an answer to my question:

As far as using these "DIY wall units" (the ones on this web site) in New Construction: Would I finish up all the walls with all the normal techniques discussed .. then install these wall units onto the finished walls with srews or some other fastening method ....... or would the Wall units Be Built in ....sheetrocking around the absorbers?

So I guess what my question is... do I just install these Wall Absorbers onto a already finished wall? And How are these attached to the wall?

Or are these Wall units intended to turn an existing room into an adequete acoustical environment .... not really for new construction?

My other question would be, New construction again:

the side wall absorbers are meant for parallel walls. So, is the normal method then to design each room of the studio with some parellel walls and treat with Wall absorbers later ... or .....To build the walls Non-parallel in the first place? Now, building the walls non parallel you don't need the side wall absorbers. But ... you need something to treat the room ... what would this be ?

I hope I posted this in the right place ... maybe this should have gone in Studio Design ? I thought it was a toss-up !

Am I making a simple idea into something complicated here? Thanks for help in advance!
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Post by knightfly »

Acoustically, there would be little difference whether those treatments were built in or "added on" - that and the rest of your questions would depend on whether you intend this room to be "permanent" or short-term.

If the room is to be "permanent" (as in, "don't know when I'm gonna move, but not in the forseeable future") then it's better to approach things with a different attitude.

If you let us know which is your situation, and what you intend to use the room for exactly, it will be easier to recommend things... Steve
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Post by Jason_442 »

Thanks for the reply Knightfly. This studio will be perminate constrution, built in my Basement. Basement walls are poured concrete.

Studio Use: Hobby and Business.

Kind of music to record: Rock, Pop, Country .... whoever has the Green :D

Need to be able to record a drum kit, and of course guitars, vocals and what ever else may arise.

Tye of construction method planned:

- Double Wall method, with 2 to 3 layers of Rock.

- Sliding glass Doors between CR and Studio A

- Outlets and switched installed normal construction method - recessed.

Note the sliding glass doors and Recessed Outlets/switches...
These will be my weakest link - is this defeating the whole purpose of having double walls? maybe 3 layers of Rock would be overkill since I'm using sliding glass door and recessed electrical?

So I guess my original question was about the Wall Units. I'm including pictures of my usable space and my proposed floor plan.

Do I design my studio with parellel walls, intending to correct this with the Wall units? What are the other methods? I was looking at pictures from the Blue Bear Studio in Canada. Are the wood slots on the walls the DIY wall units from this site?

I've got a pretty good grasp on the construction part, been reading alot !

I need help with Treating the rooms once I trap all this sound into these little rooms. I need to have a game plan before I start Framing up the walls. Thanks for the Help!
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Post by Jason_442 »

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Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Considerations

Post by sharward »

Jason_442 wrote:. . . This studio will be perminate constrution, built in my Basement. . . . Studio Use: Hobby and Business.
Hey Jason,

If you haven't already, you'll want to carefully review this post, particularly the comments from Rod & Fitz about their experiences with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Don't assume that your basement studio is exempt, and don't assume that not being in compliance is a risk worth taking.
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Post by knightfly »

As to acoustic treatments, Bruce's were built in; the acoustic effect won't change much, unless you try to use 1/4" ply for the backs instead of heavy MDF (all the formulas assume INFINITE mass for the backs) - if you won't be moving soon, I'd go permanent; less chance of things rattling... Steve
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