My Vocal Booth Idea [oppinions needed]

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My Vocal Booth Idea [oppinions needed]

Post by technominds »

Iv e been recording for about 2 years now, and ive decided enough is enough and i really want a vocal booth. My bedroom isnt too small... but not huge. I was thinking maybe i could use my clothes cupboards as a starting build point... they are wide and deep enough to stand in with a mic stand.. and once i knock out a shelf.. will be tall enough to stand in too.... if i can turn this into a booth.. will it be worth my troubles or will i lose too many frequencies for it to be worth it? If it is worth it.. what materials do i use and how do i make everything sealed tight without it being so hot you can barely breath after 3 minutes of recording?

Here is my blueprint so far:

Any advice would be brilliant,
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Post by David »

first, by no means am I an expert. File me under newbies. For what concerns your booth idea: I played around with one of my closets for a year as well and I found the following:

1: if there is little to no insulation on the inside closet wall cavity, no amount of padding will really help you to the extent that you might want.

2: my biggest challenge apart from creating a dead sound tight room, was keeping it cool on the inside. This is what deterred me eventually from further pursuing the idea.

A possible solution if you really want to go this route maybe something similar to what one guy has done with his PC, he boxed it and used super quiet pc fans, at staggered angle and with sound proof panels in between.

Look through John's studio gallery page for pictures of it.
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Joined: Thu Jan 27, 2005 12:42 am
Location: Amsterdam, London, Paris & Somerset, NJ, USA: go figure!!!

Post by David »

the project i'm referring to is called the laptop studio; check under update # 3 to see what i am talking about in concept.
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