Inside-out wall construction question

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Inside-out wall construction question

Post by TensionStudios »


I am considering inside-out walls for my basement studio but for the most part I've been referencing Rod Gervais' wonderful book for most of the planning. One question I and my contractor are wondering with the inside-out walls is if they are to be pre-assembled flat on the floor and then tipped up into place, how do you seal the joints where the drywall meet the floor, or get mineral wool under the base plate?

Are there any threads or more detailed instructions/diagrams of an inside-out room construction, other than the original plans by John: I tried searching but the terms "inside out" got more than 8000 results :shock:

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Re: Inside-out wall construction question

Post by gullfo »

yes. you assemble them as units you can lift into place. the edge framing and layers of plywood and drywall are also sealed. if you have the option to create them as overlapped the seal can be more reliable (e.g. the outer mass is adjacent to another room - so you can finish those inside-out wall as you would any other construction). sealing to the floor - soft neoprene or equiv is good, non-hardening caulk, etc. followed by the usual edge caulking.
if using a soft rubber - you can attach to the sole plate/runner or lift assemble onto the layer on the floor (secured with caulk to keep it from shifting).
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Re: Inside-out wall construction question

Post by TensionStudios »

Hi Gullfo, thanks for the reply! Lifting the assembly onto the seal that is attached to the floor makes sense. However for walls that will be facing the foundation I still don't see how to do edge or corner caulking along the drywall side of the assembly since there is only 4" between the drywall and the foundation wall :( I'm skinny, but not that skinny :lol:
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Re: Inside-out wall construction question

Post by gullfo »

sometimes a rubber seal between assemblies is the answer.
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Re: Inside-out wall construction question

Post by TensionStudios »

Thanks for the help! We'll try the seal approach, held in place with sealant in a notch created by having the inner layer of gyp 1/4" shorter than the outer.
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