Monitors - Genelec 8040B
Studio use - Mixing and production for mostly electronic music
Room length - approx 5m /// width - approx just over 3m /// height varies at all points of room, highest point above where I sit is 2.6m
(Behind that front wall is 15mm plasterboard, OSB and infilled with rockwool rw3)
In the pic below, I have it setup as an equilateral triangle, I am sitting about 38% of the way into the room, but I’m unsure of these things -
The height of my ears from the ground is 122cm when I sit in my chair
The height of between the bass cone and tweeter on the genelecs is 133cm
- I thought this height should be the same?
I also heard that the speakers should be min 120cm off the ground, so if I lowered the speakers down to get them to my ear height, they would fall below the 120cm height recommendation.
My stands are not height adjustable, but they are filled with sand and very sturdy.
My genelecs can be angled down on their rubber pads/block underneath them.
What’s the best thing to do here? Leave as is and tilt the speakers down so they fire down towards my ear or lower the stands somehow.
Second thing....
Placement from the front wall. How far should I place the speakers from the front wall? They are currently 30cm from the wall. Would it be better to bring them closer to the wall? Only thing that concerns me is I’d have to bring my desk and sweet spot forward a bit then to make the equilateral triangle right again.
Thanks for any ideas or help, much appreciated