Control Room Surface

How thick should my walls be, should I float my floors (and if so, how), why is two leaf mass-air-mass design important, etc.

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Post by knightfly »

Shoulda specified perpendicularity to both walls of the corner, sorry... Naturally if you fire from the floor, into a corner 3' off the floor, the sound will hit a few more (dozen) surfaces before returning :?
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Post by sixtiksix »


Just thought I would post the corrected resonator/er and a poly frame that I stuck on the ceiling....hmm any thougths?

also the sofa stage showing my airvents and cable trough...also put the fabric up in the front and back. The front has acoustic rigid fiberglass below the window where the sub will go and two meters up both sides of the window where the monitors will be...didn't get a photo :cry: because a friend stopped by and so I had him hold one end of it....the cloth :wink:

Thanx Steve so much for pointing out that I screwed the pooch but I am up and rocking soon!
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Post by sixtiksix »


Can you use rigid fiberglass all by itself for a cloud? I did a search on the forum before I posted...
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Post by sixtiksix »

Just in case any one is keeping track...RESONATERS REALLY WORK!

It is awesome when you get your walls done and fire up a cheap stereo and hear everything that is going on that you never heard before, plus putting your ear up to the side of the resonator for the first time is a really great experience!

So built something close to two more along the back wall and have about two more days of construction...
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Post by knightfly »

"Can you use rigid fiberglass all by itself for a cloud?" - Sure, it's just a little trickier to fasten without sagging - one way is to use 2 inch fender washers (the big washers with small holes in them) and thread stiff wire through the fiberglass (near all corners, and about every 2 feet) - bend a "tee" into the wire after the fender washer is in place, so that the fender washer won't allow the wire to pull through. How you fasten these into the ceiling depends on your ceiling construction - it's best if you can go into the framing behind the ceiling wallboards.

Once the wires and fender washers are in place, you can cover the front and sides (wrapped around to the back side) with cloth and glue in place. Once the glue is dry, they can be hung in place - one way is to use small plant hanger hooks, which usually come with both toggle bolts and screw threads... Steve
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Post by sixtiksix »

Thank you,

But if you can see those boards sticking out above my window, I am just going to set the rigid up there right above my mixer. My room sounds really terrific so I will wait til the pro comes over with the spectrum analyzer on the 19th to see where I am at freq wise....I know where I am at freak wise :wink:
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Post by knightfly »

Sure, that would work fine; didn't notice them first time around (the "eagle eye" that spotted your backward slats musta had too many 12-hour graveyards - gotta find a "real" job one of these days)

Good plan on the measurement thing - acoustics and carpentry, same idea - measure twice, cut once... Steve
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Post by sixtiksix »

Sorry if anyone is offended by this picture showing sweet Michelle here without her clothes on but I had to post it!
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Post by sixtiksix »


A friend came by yesterday and measured the control room. BAM! I had a really flat freq response! There was a dip at 160Hz and I think it is because of the bass trap right over the listening position. This could work out really well since when the room is finished I will be using an Adam Sub 1...

We conducted the test on Genelec 1031A's and used a spectrum analyzer, the mic that looks like a medical probe and a whole rack of gear and some computer program my bro had. The frequency results were slightly different between the computer and the hardware unit but the wave looked the same on the laptop and the analyzer....

We obviously moved the speakers around as well as the mic and stood on one foot etc...

There was also a very minimal valley from about 3500 to 5000Hz but my friend doing the test thinks this may be a characteristic of the Genelecs...

Anyway, I am now waiting for the console desk to be built and then I will take the S-3A's out of the boxes and slap EVA the the effects rack in there and we will test the room again...

So if you are reading this forum and have any doubts about knightfly's ability....well....this dumb ass (me) read F. Alton's book, got help from knightfly, friends, tools and a little luck and insanity....and the results are a freq response that looks like a heart monitor of a patient that is not going to make it! (meaning pretty flat) plus the room sounds terrific as well...

Thanx KF

I will post the finished pic...

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