Which Main Monitors to choose for a control room size 120m3?

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Which Main Monitors to choose for a control room size 120m3?

Post by JohnForce »

Hi everybody,

I expect to build a control room (RFZ) size 120m3 aprox.

Which Main monitors could you recommend to me for this size (120m3)?

I,m thinking with: Dynaudio M4, Quested VS3208, Reflexion arts 234. What do you think about this?

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Re: Which Main Monitors to choose for a control room size 12

Post by Soundman2020 »

That's like asking which car we recommend you should buy to drive across town every day on a 2-lane road! :) There is no correct answer, and everyone has their own opinion. IF there were only one "best" speaker for all studios, then all other speaker manufacturers would be out of business pretty fast! The fact that there are so many to choose from, and the range grows every day, is a hint that there is no such thing as a "best" speaker for every room.

And choosing your speakers doesn't just depend on the size of the room, either, just like you wouldn't choose your car based on how many lanes the road has.

Nobody can tell you what monitors are best for you and your room. You'll get many different answers from many different people, giving their own personal preference, none of which is worth much when it comes to your room. You'll get folks recommending everything from NS-10's on up, to whatever the "flavor of the day" happens to be.

So just look for something that has good flat frequency and power response, and the right coverage and power output for your room design and layout, and the right size for your room, while still being in your price range. Try out a couple, go listen to them in real rooms, and chose the one you like best.

That's about the best advice anyone can give!

(Personally, I like Adam speakers ... for me! :) )

- Stuart -
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Re: Which Main Monitors to choose for a control room size 12

Post by JohnForce »

Thanks Stuart.

I undestand... depend size, personal preference or taste... and depend the kind of music that I to expect reproduce?

Really I think that the most important is to Know your monitors response.
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Re: Which Main Monitors to choose for a control room size 12

Post by valentin »

As Stuart

the are many good brands and all the ones you have mentioned are respected
is the studio being built from scratch

I personally like JBL LSR6332 but that's more of a midfield but coupled with its sub LSR6312P could work for that area. I know that soon their will be a new Far-field horn based double 15" active system but it will probably be expensive

if i where to choose from the 3 you have stated i would go with the reflection arts

Today's horn are very well engineered giving a a very flat response with the advantage of efficiency needing very little power which translates in avoiding temperature and compression problems

well design big woofers in big boxes are also the way to go

Look at Westlake, ATC, ADAM and Genelec
a set of measurements wont tell you if you have a good speaker but it will tel you the difference between a good and a great speaker
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