Flush mount border

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Flush mount border

Post by ThomasT »


I know that flush mounted speakers must be mounted plane into the wall.
Is it ok to build 2mm thick steel/aluminium frame (bezel?) around the monitors to cover the 50mm gap between actual frontwall (gypsum top layer) and the monitor box? The 2mm frame (blue) will be screwed on the frontwall, so there will be a 2mm step, not perfect plane. Is this ok?

How thick can a frame be without effects on the sound?
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Re: Flush mount border

Post by Soundman2020 »

You'd probably be OK with a 2mm bezel like that, but why not just recess it into the soffit panel itself, so that it would be flush with both the soffit and the speaker?

And why are you saying that your soffit panel is "gypsum"? Normally soffit panels are wood. I guess you could use several thick layers of gypsum board, but wood seems to be a better choice to me.

- Stuart -
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